September 30, 2021
HLS Global
HWS GmbH & Co. KG
HLS HWS Europe GmbH
HLS Global Announces the Establishment of Japan Desk at the Stuttgart Office
Creating New Opportunities for Japanese Companies in Europe through a Partnership Founded on Trust
Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A. / Stuttgart, Germany:
As of September 1, 2021, the HLS Global group announced the opening of its new branch in Stuttgart, Germany, to start the provision of various support services to the local subsidiaries of Japanese companies in Europe. After starting in the U.S. 30 years ago, and establishing offices in Japan, Mexico and India, this newest branch enhances HLS Global’s international expansion to Europe. As announced on July 30, 2020, HLS Global has formed a strategic joint venture with HWS GmbH & Co. KG (“HWS”), and the firms will collaborate together to jointly provide a variety of services in Europe. HWS is an consulting and accounting firm with a rich history of nearly 100 years and approximately 550 employees in the Stuttgart area. Through this collaboration, the firms will integrate HLS Global’s knowhow accumulated through services provisioned to Japanese companies globally, into the proficiency developed by HWS to provide superior quality services to support the operations of Japanese companies globally. Some of the services provided as part of this collaboration will include diverse areas like accounting, financial reporting, outsourcing, taxation, legal advice, IT advisory, business advisory etc.
The COVID-19 pandemic still has an adverse effect on global economies resulting in a considerable impact on the movement of goods, services and people, and most global businesses have been forced to cope with this ‘new norm’ on a regular basis. The HLS Global Group remains committed to enhance our capability and thrive to improve our services continuously in order to realize our mission of becoming the world’s most trusted accounting & advisory firm for supporting the operations for Japanese companies globally.
About HLS Global Group: The HLS Global Group is an international accounting and business advisory firm that provides accounting, tax, audit, advisory, and consulting services. Founded in 1990, HLS Global has grown to more than 150 professionals serving clients in the U.S., Japan, Mexico, India, and now Germany. While catering to the business requirements of Japanese subsidiaries operating abroad, HLS Global also provides comprehensive solutions to non-Japanese multinational companies in Japan. For more information, visit https://hls-global.com.
About HWS GmbH & Co. KG: The HWS Group provides tax consulting, audit, legal, and corporate consulting services for medium-sized enterprises and family-owned companies in Germany. With a rich nearly 100-year history, HWS has cultivated a company culture characterized by continuous personal and professional development as well as open communication and fun. For more information, visit https://www.hws.de/home.
About HLS HWS Europe GmbH: HLS HWS Europe GmbH was established as a strategic joint venture between HLS Global and HWS Group in Stuttgart, Germany in 2020.
Contact Information
English / Japanese
HLS HWS Europe GmbH
TEL: +49 (711) 78892 380
E-mail: Takuro.Arimitsu@hls-hws.com
Contact person: Takuro Arimitsu
HWS GmbH & Co. KG
TEL: +49 (711) 78892 180
E-Mail: Ingo.Haug@hws.de
Contact person: Ingo Haug